As teachers, we put our hearts and souls into making sure that our students thrive, not only academically, but also in life. Though we continue to take whatever is thrown at us by administration, political forces, and society in general, we still show up for our kids. We show up and we take it because our kids need us. That's not only what we do; it's who we are. We are in it for the kids, and our every action and reaction supports that dedication.
Because of this, and everything that comes with it, we know without a doubt that you are putting yourself last. We know that your needs are pushed to the back, in your never-failing efforts to tend to the needs of others. We know that you'd rather spend your time and energies making sure that everyone around you is feeling amazing, while you're left feeling drained and sometimes defeated. We know, because we've been there.
This is why we created T'Each Their Own, a monthly subscription designed to spoil and delight. But it's not about simply what's inside each box. No, no. It's about so much more...
Our mission is simple, yet impactful: to promote self-actualization in teachers and school staff to the extent that they begin to believe in their true and unequivocable power.
What does this mean, exactly?
Put quite simply, we don't believe in ourselves. Work/life balance stress, the ever-changing state of education, the extreme weight of the burdens that are sometimes placed on us to do more, perform better, somehow BE more...all of these combine with so much more to cover us in a thick blanket of self-doubt. Through our efforts, we are determined to help you find yourself - the beauty that is YOU underneath it all.
Because guess what?
You are amazing.
You are magical.
You are powerful.
You are beautiful.
You are worthy.
It's time for us to learn how to love ourselves again, and we are here to help you do just that.
What is included?
In each and every box, you will receive 1-2 FREE gifts!
PLUS, in every box, you will receive:
one of the following:
a stylish new teacher/school tee that is sure to make you the envy of your school, with matching earrings!
OR 1-2 larger main item/s from the following categories:
self-care (physical or mental health, nutrition, beauty)​
activities (think OUTSIDE of work!)
rest and relaxation
all things work
therapy and mindfulness
AND 2-4 additional items related to the main item/s
surprise BONUS items
Our Mission

What people are saying...
"I absolutely love receiving my box every single month! Most often when I receive it, it's at the end of a long, tiring day in the classroom, and I can't help but let it all go when I sit down to unpack my goodies!"
I received my first box in January, and kept it through the end of the school year. I was then offered an alternate box for summer, because we wouldn't be at work, but I loved my subscription so much I didn't want anything to change! I'm still with them today, loving every single month when I get my new box of surprises!
I can't say enough good things about this box! I tell everyone who will stop and listen to me about how much I love all of the items that I receive, how they personalize items to make them uniquely mine, and I'm not ashamed to admit I show off my goodies in true "Look what I got this month" fashion. Every teacher and school employee should be subscribed to this box!